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Return Policy
Returns are accepted for any unopened, unused item in its original packaging. A restocking fee will be deducted from the item price per item returned.
Sales are considered final once items are removed from original packaging and/or opened and will no longer be eligible to receive a refund. In order to receive a refund on unopened products, returned items must be returned and received by our office within 30 days from the date you received your order. The refund amount will be the original cost of the item minus a restocking fee. Refunds will only be processed back to the original form of payment.
If you receive a damaged, faulty or incorrect item, please send an email to contactskinbygianna@gmail.comand we will resolve this for you on a case-by-case basis. Please make sure you have photographic or video evidence to help us process your claim as quickly as possible. Please note, we don’t offer exchanges. You will need to place a new order and return your original for a refund.